
Wyeth Nutrition


Concise Prescribing Info
Per 100 g Protein 10.4 g (whey protein 6.75 g, α-lactalbumin 1.78 g, casein 3.64 g), fat 27.9 g (linoleic acid 4.03 g, arachidonic acid 95.3 mg, DHA 95.3 mg), sphingomyelin 63.6 mg, phospholipids 0.32 g, total carbohydrate 53.2 g, oligofructose 3.88 g, 2'-fucosyllactose 0.19 g, total nucleotide 20.16 mg, taurine 36.4 mg, lutein 0.09 mg, vit A 512 mcg, β-carotene 100 mcg, vit D 7.75 mcg, vit E 5.61 mg-TE, vit K 51.9 mcg, vit B1 0.78 mg, vit B2 0.85 mg, vit B6 0.43 mg, vit B12 1.4 mcg, niacin 3.88 mg, folic acid 82.9 mcg, pantothenic acid 2.71 mg, biotin 15.5 mcg, vit C 70.9 mg, choline 124 mg, inositol 34.9 mg, Ca 289 mg, P 158 mg, Mg 38 mg, Fe 6.2 mg, Zn 4.65 mg, manganese 60 mcg, copper 0.34 mg, iodine 65.2 mcg, Na 150 mg, K 504 mg, Cl 321 mg, selenium 12.5 mcg. Energy: 514 kCal
Stage 1 (for 0-6 mth) infant formula.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Infant >6 mth (ave wt 7.5 kg) 6 level scoops in 180 mL previously boiled water, 4-5 feeds daily, 3-6 mth (ave wt 6.5 kg) 6 level scoops in 180 mL previously boiled water, 5 feeds daily, 2 wk-3 mth (ave wt 4.5-5.5 kg) 4 level scoops in 120 mL previously boiled water, 6 feeds daily, 0-2 wk (ave wt 3.5 kg) 2 level scoops in 60 mL previously boiled water, 9 feeds daily.
Special Precautions
Unboiled water & bottles; incorrect dilution. Potential adverse effects in cases of incorrect storage, handling, prep & feeding. Prepare only 1 serving at a time. Feed immediately & exactly follow instructions. Use the enclosed scoop only. Possible dehydration or proper nutrition deprivation when using more or less powd than indicated. Proportions should not be changed w/o medical advice.
MIMS Class
Infant Nutritional Products
ATC Classification
V06C - INFANT FORMULAS ; Used as general nutrients in infant formulas.
S-26 GOLD PRO milk powd
900 g x 1's
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